Thursday, June 2, 2022

How To Lose Weight Without Trying

Photo by Tim Samuel on Pexels

Yes you have tried! Admit it! You have tried many diets and programs to lose weight. You had lose a little and gain it back with interest. You weigh yourself every single day and scales decide if it is a good day or bad day! If the scale goes up your mood is affected for the whole day. So have you ever wondered why you can’t lose weight? The answer is because you are trying to lose weight.

Almost everyone wonders how to lose weight without trying — that is perfectly understandable, Many people nowadays have jam-packed schedule that is running a household, raising a children, office work and countless activities and at the same time planning out personal goals such as fitness and weight loss goals.

Doesn’t make much sense right? Wrong? You see when you become obsessed with something it starts to control you. You begin seeing food in a negative light. Exercise or gym work seems like a punishment for your indulgences. Have you ever said….”one more piece of cake and I will work it off tomorrow”.

Not a lot of people can walk up by 5:30am every day to go for that important morning walk, checking food labels and going through strict diet measures — these are just too much for your shoulders to bear. Losing weight is a matter of knowing how to do it easiest way possible and sticking to what really works.

Yes, you can lose weight without trying except making little changes to your lifestyle.

Firstly forget that you are trying to lose weight. Do not try. Try does not lead to anything. As Yoda said, “there is no try, only do”. Now you can’t just “do”.
So if you can’t do it, and if trying only gets you in circles what is left? The answer is to “do” the things that are in control.

Losing weight permanently, Sounds tempting! Stop focusing on losing weight, forget it. It is a no win strategy. We develop health issues when we carry too much weight with us. These can range from high blood pressure, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, insulin resistance, high cholesterol, low energy levels. It will affect your quality of life, as it affects your mood and interactions with other people.

Before getting into the tips and ways on how to lose weight without trying, If you want to lose weight without exercise and boosts your metabolism, Check this video right now!

So let’s get into it!

Here are some ways to help you lose weight without trying:

1) Eat Breakfast

Photo by Jack Sparrow on Pexels

If you want to learn how to lose weight without trying, you must make a habit of not leaving home without taking breakfast.

The benefits of having breakfast every morning are huge, It stops you from having excess calories during the course of the day, keeps you productive and physically agile.

It nourishes your muscles and keeps your brain active. A day with breakfast means you are less likely to take care of unhealthy snacks.

2) Make Standing A Habit

Photo by lalesh aldarwish on Pexels

You and I live in a world where we spend more than 6 hours rooted to our chairs. This is what our works demand from us.

An average working parent spends 8 hours planted in front of his/her office desk. It is the modern-day death sentence!

But the health consequences of this sedentary lifestyle are immense — when your leg muscles are immobile, your blood circulation slows down and you burn few calories as a result.

Sit throughout the day and the activities of your fat-burning energy would have reduced by half.

So, if you really want to learn how to lose weight without trying, don’t spend your life sitting — stand once in a while. In fact standing burns almost twice as much calories as sitting.

While in office, make phone calls standing, take a 5 minute break for an hour of sitting. Do this for a month and see knowing how to lose weight without trying becomes easy.

3) Watch TV Alone, Don’t Take Food Along

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

An average parent spends 2000 hours a year behind a TV screen and for every minute spent, the bite/minute ratio increases from 3.2 bites to 5.1.

Do I need to tell you that cutting this dreadful habit means you’d have saved yourself 21 pounds before the end of the year? I bet now you can see learning how to lose weight without trying is not rocket science.

4) Check Your Weight Once a Week

Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels

Even if you’re scared to death in engaging in physical exercise, checking your weight once a week charges you psychologically to do something. It makes you conscious of your weight and doing the things necessary to get you back in shape.

And if you still haven’t seen the importance of this, the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Journal has. It reports that 75% of successful dieters weigh themselves at least once a week.

But truth is 90 percent of the average and common people will not take action towards improving their health — they still wait for manna to fall from heaven.

5) Be More Active On A Daily Basis

Photo by Maksim Goncharenok on Pexels

This does not mean that you have to exercise all the time. Just add small amounts of activity to your daily schedule. After having some lunch go for a walk around your office building. Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. Park the car further away at the shopping centre for a little extra exercise.

Before going ahead, If you want to lose weight of about 20, 40, to 100lbs, Watch this video now!

Recently, Drew Carey lost 80 pounds in a very short time and he is someone who has had a weight issue for years. So, how did he do it?

Well, the same process Drew followed is one that virtually anyone can do. Eating foods that help to lose weight and getting your heart rate up with some easy exercise is really all there is to it.

Think of eating in this way, would you eat glue? Of course not, but in reality, some foods do stick to you in ways that you don’t want. Therefore, if you know the foods to avoid to lose weight, you must erase them from your daily intake and replace them with foods that actually help promote weight loss.

Are there foods that help you lose weight? Sure, and they taste good too. Here are some initial steps that can assist you in your road to permanent weight loss that are easy to do and will teach you how to lose weight without trying.

  • Do not eat starches ( white foods such as macaroni, white bread, pastas, potatoes)
  • Do eat foods fried (fried food is fat locked into tasty morsels, tastes good but makes you fat)
  • Do not eat within 4 hours of going to bed
  • Do not drink any caffeine ( no tea, no coffee, no soft drinks)
  • Exercise by walking at least a mile a day, walk fast to get your heart rate up
  • Find a partner to do this with you ( make it fun and challenging)
  • Never say or use the word diet ( Diet stands for Do I Eat Today! Oh course you eat, just eat right)

Learning about the foods that actually help promote weight loss can be extremely beneficial to you and the list of foods that you can incorporate into your daily intake are foods that taste good and are good for you.

Find out how much weight you’ll lose with our custom Simple Keto Meal Plan!

Eating methods to lose weight without trying

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

1. Eat very small meals every other hour. A small meal is one that is the size of the palm of your hand. Ensure to eat low calorie, healthy, low fat foods that are high in fiber.

2. Do not eat until you are very, very starved. Once you hit the “I must eat now” stage, then eat what you crave most, but do it very slowly. It takes your stomach 20 minutes to realize you are full. So eat very slowly and once the starving feeling is gone, but before you are full, stop.

3. Prepare a bag before you leave the house in the morning that contains all the food you will eat for the day. Ensure what you have packed is 500 calories less than what you need to maintain your weight. During the day, eat only what you have packed and nothing more. When it is gone, stop eating!

Quick Recap on how to lose weight without trying!

1) Focus on making improvements to your health, each and every day.

2) Focus on making improvements to your fitness, each and every day.

Here are some quick examples

1. Today I will go for a 30 minute walk.

2. Today I will not have any junk food.

3. Today I will play some social sport with friends.

4. Today I will have a healthy filling breakfast.

5. Today I will park 2 blocks away from the shopping centre.

Your list can be endless. Improve on your food choices, don’t try and follow any diet. Make improvements to the foods you choose. Making improvements to the amount of exercise you do. Aim to get as fit (through exercise) and as healthy (through eating) as you can. Focus on those 2 things. As soon as you do, your health will improve, your risk on any health issues can be reduced. Do this daily!

Take your focus off on losing weight and put it on getting fit and healthy, make 1 or 2 improvements each day and guess what? Over time you will find that weight loss is just a side effect of a fit and healthy approach to life and that is something worth doing.

Before we end, If you want to lose weight! Check out this awesome program, Danielle Lost 8 Pounds in 1 Week! After only 1 week on the Smoothie Diet She weighed Herself and Realized She had lost 8 pounds! Watch Video To Know More!

All the best!

Weight loss products to help you lose weight:

Best supplements to lose weight(2022):

For belly fat:

My best suggestion is to try out Lean Belly 3xOkinawa Flat Belly Tonic or African Lean Belly for awesome results.

For dieting:

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