Tuesday, December 6, 2022

3 Tips to Boost your Metabolism and Lose Weight

3 Tips to Boost your Metabolism and Lose Weight

Let’s cut the crap (no, not the carbs)

Photo property of the author

Sure, I mean I guess £180 for 10 days worth of juice is reasonable.
  • No, carbs are good, you need to cut out all fat.
  • Carbs and fat are fine, maybe gluten is the real enemy?
  • Maybe it doesn’t matter what you eat, perhaps I should only eat standing naked at the top of a hill by the light of the full moon?

So what’s the answer then?

First off, let me say this.

Photo property of the author

Work out how many calories you need

Everything you do burns calories. Breathing, walking, digesting, it all burns calories, which are replaced when you consume food and drink. At some point, you’ve probably heard the general rule of thumb that women need approximately 2,000 calories per day, and men need 2,500.

Track everything you eat and drink

I know, it might seem like a pain, but tracking your calories is the only effective way to make sure you’re staying on track.

Start in the kitchen

“You can’t out-train a bad diet” is a popular phrase in the fitness community. It’s a reminder that although exercise is vital, it is only one small part of the equation. A healthy lifestyle, specifically weight loss, starts in the kitchen.

Source: www.zmescience.com
Source: www.zmescience.com

Look beyond the scale

How do you know if you’re getting better at something?

  • Do you feel more confident in yourself?
  • Do you feel like you have more energy?

The best diet is…

The one that you enjoy, and you can stick to.


  • Work out how many calories you need
  • Track everything you eat
  • Weight loss starts in the kitchen
  • Look beyond the scale
  • Find a diet that you enjoy

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